Monday, December 6, 2021

The Function of Blocked Memories

Today I was able to articulate the reasons for blocked memories and why it has not proven to be functional for me to discuss anything about what happened to me in college.

18 rapes is alot to absorb.  That is bad enough.  However, when I reported it to the President of the college, the Dean of the college, college professors, other students, the rape crisis counselor on campus, the psychiatrist on campus, and with all of that, nothing was done and I was given nothing to go on for keeping myself safe.  Instead, I was either ignored, or accused of lying, or told that even if it did happen, it was consensual and I "asked for it".

There was also an attitude of "how much of an idiot does she (as in me) have to be to allow that to happen to her?".

I saw a picture of a sign that said, "DON'T GET RAPED".  The picture was redacted to say "DON'T Get RAPEd".

That clearly illustrates the real problem in society.  We tell women "don't get raped" instead of telling men "don't rape".  

Why was a woman raped?  There is only one reason a woman is raped:  it is because a man decided to rape her.  It is that simple.  There is no other explanation.

However, that is somehow dismissed and instead, other explanations for rape besides the obvious in my last sentence are expressed, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • she was wearing promiscuous clothing
  • she was drinking
  • she stayed out late
  • she went to a man's apartment or home
  • she "asked for it"
  • bad sex doesn't equal rape - it is just bad sex "morning after" regret
  • she sleeps around
  • she is a prostitute
  • she is an exotic dancer
  • she is a porn star
  • she is lying
  • she was topless on the beach
  • she was flirting with him
  • she drunk-dialed him
  • she is married to him
  • she is his girlfriend or fiance or wife or mistress
  • she wrote him love letters
  • they're having a lover's quarrel
I could go on and on about the rationalities that are promoted to justify rape or sexual assault.  As you can see, the rationalities promoted to justify rape or sexual assault are all on the woman.  Apparently, men have no responsibility whatsoever to exercise self-control and act as protectors of women and protect women from men who want to rape or sexually assault them.

My generation was socialized into believing that protective men are bad people.  We were socialized into believing that women are supposed to spit on men who try to protect them and embrace men who promote their sexual promiscuous behaviors under the pretext that sexual promiscuity is feminine independence.

I have put the feminist movement into two categories:  the suffrage movement feminists and the baby boomer feminists.

The Suffrage Movement Feminists (SMFs) are advocates for the role of men as protectors and providers for their wives and children and advocates for restraint from promiscuous behavior.  The Suffrage Movement Feminists believe that the role of men is to protect women from rapists and sexual assaulters and make sure rapists and sexual assaulters are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The Baby Boomer Feminists (BBFs) are very different.  BBFs spit on men who serve as protectors and providers for their wives and children claiming that those men are oppressive.  BBFs don't want men to open doors for women or carry heavy things for them.  BBFs encourage women to be sexually promiscuous and encourage multiple partners and to lay topless on the beach and burn their bras under the guise of a "sexual revolution" for women to have sexual freedom.  

BBFs do not advocate for the prosecution of rapists or sexual assaulters.  Instead, BBFs advocate for women to murder their children with abortions if they get an unwanted preganancy from a rape and allow the rapists and sexual assaulters to run around free without consequence to create more unwanted pregnanacies in the future.  

What is most disturbing is BBFs' efforts to take Second Amendment Rights away from women so that they cannot defend themselves from rapists or sexual assaulters.  BBFs also want to take Second Amendment Rights away from men so that men cannot protect women from rapists or sexual assaulters either.  Promotion of sexually promiscuous behavior without consequence keeps Planned Parenthood busy which funds the Baby Boomer Feminists in the Democrat party.

My realization that I was played by these people is why I left the left.  I consider myself a Suffrage Movement Feminist and denounce the Baby Boomer Feminist movement that promotes rape culture for Planned Parenthood slush funds that line the pockets of Baby Boomer Feminists led by Hillary Clinton and the other women in the Democrat party that have pushed the women's movement backward instead of forward through the advocacy of rape culture.

The 2020 election was stolen.  Hillary Clinton was on camera pushing the narrative that Joe Biden should not concede no matter what (even if he knows he lost the election) because she had hundreds of lawyers ready to go after Donald Trump.  Joe Biden himself admitted on camera that he would illegally grab the oval office with what he said was the most corrupt election mechanism set up in the history of American Politics that would result in him taking the seat of  President of the United States of America without getting a single vote from any American voters.

This means that BBFs are advocating rape culture, destruction of Second Amendment rights, and, as proven from the stealing of the 2020 election, BBFs do not want women to have the right to vote either.

The millions of women in this country who voted for Donald Trump and voted for Republicans that resulted in a Republican majority in the House and the Senate had their voices silenced at the ballot box in violation of the Constitutional rights to vote that was fought for by the Suffrage Movement Feminists since the 1800s.  Hillary Clinton and her BBFs have trampled on the very right to vote that was fought for by the originators of the Feminist Movement - the Suffragettes who fought for women to be able to vote.

Hillary Clinton and her BBFs have put our country on a trajectory for destruction.  It is terrifying to see what they are doing to our country and our planet.  They are pushing everything that was fought for by our predecessors since the revolutionary war backwards against everything that we stand for as a country.

My 21 year old brain who had never lived away from home could not handle all of this at that age.  The blocked memories are a vital necessity so I can function in this dysfunctional system set up to push the Suffrage Feminist Movement backwards to the stone age with socialization for exploitation of women for the BBFs' own selfish gains.

That's all for now.  More later.