Best Simple Egg Nog Recipe

This recipe will make one fabulous 20 oz. glass of eggnog.  😊  


2 Tablespoons of Sugar
3 Eggs
1 Scoop of Natural Vanilla Ice Cream
2 Cups of Milk
Nutmeg (optional)
Cinnamon (optional)


One 20 oz. Glass
One Large Tablespoon
One Ice Cream Scoop
One Large Measuring Cup
One Small Bowl 
One Butter Knife


Put one scoop of vanilla ice cream in the 20 oz. glass.
Put two cups of milk into the measuring cup.
Pour the milk from the measuring cup into the 20 oz. glass over the ice cream.
Add two tablespoons of sugar to the 20 oz glass over the milk and ice cream.
Stir the milk, ice cream, and sugar mixture thoroughly until the ice cream is melted.
Put three egg yolks into the 20 oz glass.**
Stir the 20 oz glass mixture thoroughly until the egg yolks are blended into the mixture.
Sprinkle nutmeg on top (optional).
Sprinkle cinnamon on top (optional).
Stir thoroughly.


**How to separate the egg whites from the egg yolks - instructions for each egg
 - Hold the egg pointed slightly upward over the small bowl.
 - Crack the egg with the butter knife close to the top of the egg.
 - Pull the shell off the top of the egg and let it drop into the small bowl.
 - Pour the egg white out of the shell slowly into the small bowl with the egg yolk inside the shell.
 - Drop the egg yolk out of the shell into the 20 oz glass.
 - Put the shell into the bowl with the egg whites.

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