Candace Owens Says Women Shouldn't Be Hired

Candace Owens is like an ostrich who puts her head in the sand.  She doesn't want to acknowledge any validity to the "Me Too" movement.  She is pandering to the rapists, sexual assaulters, predatory stalkers, sexual harassers, physical affronters, and claiming they are the victims of women who lie about their claims.  Her solution?  Don't hire women.  The victims are to be treated like the criminals and the criminals are supposed to be treated like the victims.

Her belief that there is a "stain" that is put on men is also warped.  Here is reality:  sex crimes and domestic violence crimes are the most underreported crimes - 84% are not reported.  Of the ones that are reported, the conviction rate is less than 10%.

Candace is a R.I.N.O (Republican In Name Only).  Her true liberal lunacy shines in this video.  She is a gift to the RINOs and DEMONCRAPS that promote crimes against women and children that need to be destroyed.

I do not believe that there is anything real about Candace Owens' conservatism when I see video like this one.  There is more to conservatism than nice clothes and nice hair.        

Women do not just freak out and run to the courthouse because a man gives a compliment to a woman in the workplace or anywhere else.  That is simply not true.  Women do not want conflicts.  A decision to go to a courthouse is because an actual crime has been committed that was beyond just a simple compliment.  Clearly, Candace Owens is a pawn in a bigger chess game.  She is being brainwashed by the Clinton cabal scum in the media and in Washington D.C. who are looking for ignorant voices that will cry victim for the criminals and criminalize the victims. 

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