Katy Couric Blames Rape Survivor in Duke La Crosse Case

The Tragedy of the Duke La Crosse Rape Case:  Rapists are Free, Prosecutors Lose their Law Licenses, & Rape Survivors Live in Fear

Crystal Mangum's Book evoked more threats against her in violation of her First Amendment Rights (on top of her Fourth Amendment Rights already infringed upon by the Duke La Crosse Rapists).

State prosecuting attorney Michael Nifong collected clear and convincing evidence that Crystal Magnum was raped by Duke University La Crosse team members and presented it to a grand jury.  Mr. Nifong got the indictment against the rapists to have them arrested and taken to jail to face a trial for the rape, sexual assault, and battery of Crystal Mangum.

Katie Couric at Clinton-B***-S*** a/k/a CBS News tampered with witness Crystal Mangum by subjecting her to ongoing assaults with defamation and threats to take Ms. Mangum's children away.  Ms. Mangum could not show up in Court because she was afraid for her kids.  As a result, the rape case was wrongfully dismissed.

Mr. Nifong's career as a prosecutor was destroyed in a bad faith retaliation from the rapists' parents.  

Here is an example of the rape-enabling hostile propaganda machine at work treating rapists as victims and rape survivors as villains.

Re-victimization of the Rape Survivor by the Rapists' Parents

Defamation and witness tampering was rewarded with a dismissal.  The prosecuting attorney was skewered by the rape-enabling machine and the rape survivor was re-victimized all over again because the rapists and their parents were not satisfied with a wrongful dismissal.  As a result, the rapists and their parents with help from Katie Couric and the Fake News Networks continued to defame Crystal Mangum, brutally humiliate her, call her a liar, and go after Crystal Mangum's children.

Impact on Prosecution for Future Cases

Scared prosecutors across the country fearing retaliation and survivors fearing re-victimization has resulted in a dismal 0%-10% success rate for prosecution of rape cases.  Rape kits have filled up entire warehouses throughout the nation, and stacks of rape case files piled up in prosecutor offices across the country.  

The Real Tragedy

The real tragedy of the Duke La Crosse Rape case goes beyond the wrongful dismissal.  Prosecuting attorneys can't do their job to protect women and children from crimes.  As a result, women and children cannot get justice for these horrific crimes that are committed against them.  

Two years later, Crystal Mangum spoke to the press.  She reiterated that she was attacked by the male students from Duke University.  She confirmed that she was not lying.  Her only interest was that the rapists would be put in jail where they belong.

Here is the press treating the rape survivor like the criminal and the rapists like the victims again.  

Crystal Mangum had to give her press conference in a hostile environment where she is, even at the time of this press conference, threatened with legal action against her.  

Where is Katie Couric to interview her and show she doesn't have a bias?  Nowhere to be found. 

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