Oklahoma State Governor and State Legislature Help Stop Rape Culture Via Expansion of 4th Amendment Rights Protections for Women with New Law

 The Oklahoma State Governor has signed off on ground-breaking legislation with a new motto:  "a woman's uterus is safe in the great State of Oklahoma."

Under the new Oklahoma state law, a woman who wants to get an abortion must disclose to law enforcement that she was raped by the man who created the unwanted pregnancy that has brought her to seek medical help to get an abortion.

If men know that creating an unwanted pregnancy exposes them to liability for rape, this is a great deterrent to reduce unwanted pregnancies and get rapists off the street so they can't rape someone else.

There are pro-life activists who advocate that most abortions are not the result of rape, but this is simply oxymoronic.  An unwanted pregnancy is caused by a man who made a decision to create an unwanted pregnancy inside of a woman without her consent.  This requires sex without consent.  Sex without consent is rape.  Ergo, unwanted pregnancy is clear and convincing evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a rape in violation of that woman's 4th Amendment rights has occurred.

Women are naturally pro-life.  The human race would end if women were not naturally pro-life.  Something sinister has to override a woman's natural pro-life biology to decide to get an abortion.  We should trust the instinct of a woman to decide if she should keep her unwanted child or not keep her unwanted child.  That being said, the best way to make sure we get the abortion rate to 0% without infringing on women's 4th amendment rights to get abortions is to put the liability on men.  Men need to stop creating babies if they don't want the responsibility and should be held liable if they do so without a woman's consent.

Abortion rights activists have said for years that abortion rights must be protected because of rape.  This legislation finally gets the rapists out of circulation and prosecuted for the crime of rape.  

I haven't read the legislation in its entirety yet (only the first few pages).  It is 72 pages of legislation.  I will post another blog entry after I have finished reading the statute.

I think that "Aggravated Rape" should be defined as a rape that causes an unwanted pregnancy and it should be a "Class A" Felony with a death sentence for treason.  That would be a huge deterrent to get the abortion rate down to 0% and not infringe on a woman's 4th Amendment rights to get an abortion and would protect women from infringement on their 4th Amendment rights caused by rapists.  I think we need a "Daddy with a Gun" law passed at the federal level to have uniformity on this matter.  If men know that an unwanted pregnancy = Death Penalty, the abortion rate will go down tremendously, and the rapes that create the unwanted pregnancies will also go down tremendously.  

The Rape/Abortion Profiteers are screaming about this law falsely claiming that the Oklahoma state law infringes on a woman's 4th Amendment rights to get an abortion.  I disagree.  All it says is that the woman has to disclose to law enforcement that she is getting the abortion because she was raped.  This is an enhancement to protect women's 4th Amendment rights to be protected from rapists that violate a woman's body with illegal search and seizure by illegally forcing her to get pregnant against her will.  If this was a national law, then this means that rapists would be out of circulation and women would not get pregnant without consent.  This cuts into the wallets of the rape/abortion profiteers who have been ignoring abortion rights activists for years that abortion is the result of rape.  The Rape/Abortion Profiteers do not want to get rapists of the street because the abortion rate will go down which means their profits go down. 

It is obvious that many Rape/Abortion Profiteers control the mainstream media, which is why they are angry about the Oklahoma state law.  The manipulated narrative from the Rape/Abortion Profiteers is that it is an infringement on a woman's right to privacy to require her to disclose that she was raped prior to getting an abortion.  Again, I disagree.  The 4th Amendment does not protect criminal activity.  It also does not protect anyone who has knowledge of criminal activity that they can protect a criminal or be a criminal under a convoluted interpretation of a "right to privacy".  There is no "right to privacy" in the United States Constitution to cover up a crime.  Rape is a crime.  The government has a right to know if there is a rapist at large so that law enforcement can get the rapist out of circulation.  This requires disclosures from the woman who has the unwanted pregnancy that she was raped so that law enforcement can do their job and get the rapist out of circulation to ensure the rapist will not rape someone else.

From what I have read so far, this Oklahoma law expands enforcement of a woman's 4th Amendment rights to include her right to be free from infringement caused by a rapist who creates an unwanted pregnancy.  I am glad that abortion rights activists who have insisted for 50 years that abortions are caused by rapists are finally being heard and rapists in Oklahoma are being prosecuted so they cannot rape again.


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