Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Groupthink of Stupid that is Destroying America

There is an overabundance of groupthink stupid, especially in dealing with the reality that there are more rapes, sexual assaults, physical affronts, sexual harassments, and domestic abuse cases than anyone wants to admit here in America.  There is a normalization of these activities as "culture" instead of as "crime".  Adultery and emotional abuse are considered to be "culture".  I have seen terms such as "rape culture".  Abortion is considered a culture.  It is never identified as the proof that the crime of rape has occurred.  Instead, there is a warped interpretation of "privacy" that it extends to rapists who want the privacy to rape women, get away with it, and then blame the woman when she gets an abortion instead of blaming the man who created the unwanted pregnancy in the first place.  Groupthink stupid.

Abortion is clear and convincing evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a rape occurred.  Every abortion is an unwanted pregnancy.  Unwanted pregnancies are proof of rape.  The way to prevent abortions is to recognize that rape is not a culture, it is a crime, it is a 4th Amendment Rights atrocity and the way to end abortions is to end unwanted pregnancies.  The way to end unwanted pregnancies is to end rape.  The way to end rape is to recognize it is a criminal act that is a 4th Amendment Rights atrocity.  Women are supposed to have control over their bodies beyond just the right to get an abortion.  A woman is supposed to be free of a rapist controlling her body that causes the unwanted pregnancy.  If there are no rapes, then there are no unwanted pregnancies.  If there are no unwanted pregnancies, then there are no abortions.

We are in a society of groupthink stupid that wants to label promiscuous activities as culture and ongoing attacks on our family systems is the reason we only have 90 million children to replace 240 million adults in America.

Americans need to be better than this and recognize rape as a crime, abortion as proof that rape occurred, and set up deterrents with criminal prosecution to end this invisible enemy that has been attacking women and children and families for decades.

At this rate of decline, where we are losing over 50% of our population with each generation, America will be extinct in about 500 years, maybe sooner.

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